The lab is involved in a variety of different projects around the world. See below to learn more about our current projects.

Assessing Prosocial Behavior in Interventions: A Scoping Review Heading link
In order to advance the science and practice of the assessment of prosocial behaviors used in interventions designed to promote prosocial behaviors, there is a need to synthesize the available evidence regarding how prosocial behaviors have been defined and measured in intervention studies. This scoping review aims to synthesize existing measures of prosocial behavior and document their psychometric properties.

Well-being in Students & Teachers (WIST) Heading link
This study aims to understand the effectiveness of the MindUP Program for Educators and MindUP Program for Students in promoting a variety of positive outcomes. This is the first study to look at the potential joint effects of two separate mindfulness-based programs for teachers and students.

Understanding and Promoting Children’s and Educators’ Well-being in Colombia Heading link
The vision for the proposed project is to catalyze the use of research evidence on the well-being and developmental/contextual assets of elementary and high school children, and educators by engaging educators, community partners, and youth in a community in Colombia. Data will be collected at the population level on students’ social and emotional competence (SEC), and resilience. We will also measure educator’s well-being and assets.